taking a break is ok, staying on break is not | vol. 25

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This week was Fall Break for the boys, which brought a nice slow down for me as well. I front loaded my week to have client meetings on Monday and Tuesday so I'd be able to squeeze in work while spending time with Ang and the boys. We crammed in a lot during the second half of the week and no professional balls were dropped.

​Silas made friends with a caterpillar and carried him with him for most of our hike.

Personally, however, the daily routine I'd worked so hard over the last few weeks to create was totally abandoned. I went into the week fully intent on getting up early, getting my early morning workout in, and finishing up my normal daily routine before getting into the fall break activities we had planned. When Monday rolled around and my alarm went off, I turned it off, set a new alarm for a couple of hours later, and went back to sleep. I decided to work my routine in later in the day and get a little extra rest--I'm proud to say I still got my workouts in each day.

I was slightly disappointed in myself for abandoning my morning routine and not maximizing the light work schedule this week, but then I realized it's perfectly ok to make adjustments and take advantage of opportunities when they come to us. It's not every often during the school year that I have the ability to catch up on some much needed rest--Leo catches the bus at 7:15 so I need to be up early each day to get him going. This week, without school, I had the opportunity to sleep a litte later and still accomplish everything I needed and wanted to. So why get up early just to keep a routine going?

We are all always looking for ways to improve, be more efficient, accomplish more during the day, and move closer to our goals. There is no shortage of advice out there and they often include rigidity with the way we approach life. While the discipline of these recommendations is not a bad thing, it can often lead guilt or even abandoning the routine after a miss. In the past, I know this week of not following my routine would have led to never getting back to it. I would have found new excuses for the upcoming week since I was no longer keeping my string of early morning workouts.

I've grown.

Monday, I'll be back up at 5:30 and this week of sleeping in will not have derailed my new routine--it was just a break.

If you find yourself struggling to stay with a new routine or even start a new one, give yourself some grace and pick it back up the next day. Regardless of what the "experts" might proclaim, no one goes 365 for 365 in a year. Sometimes you just need a break or you deserve a break...enjoy that break and then get back to the routine.

Money Moves on The Free Style Way Podcast with Carl Paoli

I promise not to make these email exclusively my content (this section will usually be something I've read/listen to/watched during the week I think will help you on your Pursuit) but I HAD to share this podcast appearance with my friend Carl Paoli. Carl has made an appearance on On Our PRST and was the transition episode of The PRST being on All About Your Benjamins to launching The PRST podcast channel.

This episode (which was recorded and published in the same day--props to Carl and his team) is special for me because it's the first time I've been able to connect everything that I'm doing into one conversation. I believe this conversation kicks off the next phase of growth for me, PRST, and the interconnectedness of all of my ventures. I love being the host but it is fun to sit on the other side of the table and be the guest. Hopefully, I'll have more chances to have conversations like this not only to grow awareness of PRST but also to allow me to continue to fine tune my message.

​Let's get to The PRST...

Sneak Peek: On Our PRST with Boxx The Artist

​Being a loyal subscriber of The Weekly PRST has some perks, like early access to upcoming podcasts. On Monday, the next episode of On Our PRST with Boxx The Artist will drop but you now have the link to the unlisted episode on YouTube. Hopefully, you've seen the clips shared throughout the week highlighting different parts of our conversation. I'm really excited to share Boxx's story, her perspective as a business woman and creative (a unique combo of business and creativity), and most importantly the mindset she has built for herself to keep her moving forward on her Pursuit.

A few of my favorite parts:

  • The jobs Boxx held to support her craft

  • The story of the post it notes placed strategically in her house to keep her mind strong

  • Learning about her style when it comes to her art and what she has in store for an upcoming show in 2023

  • Seeing a couple of moments of synchronicity between the two of us

Once again my editing team did an awesome job with editing the video. I'm working on figuring out a three camera angle finished video but it's much harder that you might thing it would be to get the cameras in the right spot and not interfere with the full room view. I'll also share something I learned with this episode, make sure all of the cameras are on the same side of the guests--as you'll notice the camera that is only on Boxx is on the other side of the table than the full room camera. I didn't think this would make a difference but my editing team explained how switching the view from one side of a face to another can be confusing and distracting to the viewer. Thankfully, they were able to flip the shot so it the view of Boxx appears to be consistent and you most likely would not have noticed if I didn't share this secret with you.

If you enjoy the conversation please be sure to leave a comment (and a like) and share with Boxx what inspired or motivated you the most. If I'm going to play the like and comment game for YouTube and the podcasts, I'm going to use those comments for the guests and make sure they leave the episode feeling good about their impact.

a giveaway

​Earlier this week I was lucky enough to win one of the 5 copies of Creative Doing given away by the Infinite Loops podcast. Shortly after sharing my creative prompt, I ordered a copy of the book for myself. Well, now I have two copies and I'd like to give one away to the first person to respond to this email with what their creative prompt would have been.

Just hit reply, let me know what your creative prompt would have been had you seen this tweet and the book could be yours...if you're first.

a new song and great video

Ab-Soul may be on the deepest rappers in the game and you've most likely never heard of him. This is his latest single that came out yesterday and I am in awe of the video. When I think of the videos I will produce in the future this is the style that I enjoy--I'd like to think the Shorts I've done so far are heading in this direction.

You can tell the song and the video is extremely personal.

​get caught up with The PRST

Last week I wasn't able to get The PRST episode, "Why You Need To Keep Your Mind Positive" ready the Weekly PRST so I'm including it in this week's email, along with this Friday's episode. Click on the image and it'll take you to the PRST website to choose your preferred platform.

something to meditate on...

Keep Pursuing,


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check the vault | listen to the podcast | watch on YouTube | rep your PRST

P.S. - know someone who should be getting the Weekly PRST? send them this sign up link: bit.ly/375ThRy


managing your time and energy | vol. 26


when you believe it, you will see it | vol. 24