i should have known better | vol. 21 (a)

Vol. 21(a)

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Hey there,

Well, I had every intention on getting back on track with The Weekly PRST--I knew Saturday wouldn't happen because we had a 5:30 AM flight to Orange County (3:00 wake up call), the first official in-person even for The AGC, and an open happy hour for anyone in for the conference not in The AGC.

I went downstairs this morning to finish up today's email and then this happened...

I have everything collected for this week's volume (see below for the start of the email and my Notion with links) but now that the conference is kicking off and I have my wife, Ang, with me I'm throwing in the towel for getting today's email out.

I'll try to get volume 21 out in the next day or two but I wanted to be transparent with this week's email...I also didn't want you to think it wasn't coming or that the Weekly PRST had gone away.

Keep Pursuing,


If you received this email from a friend and want to get next week's volume in your inbox, click here to sign up to get The Weekly PRST in your inbox every Saturday.


back from California | vol. 21(b)


have you seen passion? | vol. 20