A Day Of Passion On The Courts | Vol. 18

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Vol. 18

Hey there,

I appreciate your patience in getting today's email out. It was such a cool experience to see the PRST logo on the backs of all of the shirts and on the scorer's table banner. It was also a lot of fun to watch the boys play ball--I have to admit, it made me miss the game a bit and extremely jealous that I didn't get to play today's style of basketball when I was in high school. I was ahead of my time--the style of play today is ideal for my skillset and how I wanted to play.

Aside from the excitement of seeing the the brand of PRST being represented on the court, I caught this moment on camera:

That's Leo in the background filming one of the games to make some highlight clips. I have been enjoying spending time behind the camera and creating, so it made me happy to see him take the initiative to do the same.

BTW, the young man with the ball had 10 threes in the game we watched. Leo and I are off to watch and record more tomorrow morning as the camp concludes. I'm hoping to make a "commercial" with film from the two days...stay tuned!

A Manifestation Update: Paid Speaking

Since I put it out in the Universe that I would only be doing paid speaking engagements and referring other opportunities to others, I have had 2, possibly 3 speaking engagements come my way, and that's not including my talk this coming week in California since that was booked last year.

I kid you not.

Now, I haven’t signed any agreements yet, but I’ve had 3 paid speaking opportunities come my way since I tweeted it out—NO, it’s not coincidence. Yes, it helps that some of the opportunities came from people within my network who probably saw the tweets, but if I didn’t put it out there, already envision myself giving the presentations, and see myself as a paid speaker, they would not have come. I was manifesting for NEXT YEAR and here we are with a couple of opportunities that would be for later this year.

I can’t force you to believe in it and I don’t care if you call it manifestation or not, but I’m going to keep planting seeds to help others recognize the power of positive thinking, embodying the person you want to be, and manifestation.

A Favor

I know anyone who needs to find PRST will--the Universe will help them connect with us. However, let's try to speed that process up a bit. If you wouldn't mind, I'd really appreciate if you'd subscribe to the YouTube channel and/or leave a review on Apple Podcasts. We live in a world of algorithms and as much as I despise playing those games, they are games we have to play.

I appreciate your help!

Ok, let's get to The PRST...​

Passion. Relationships. Self. Time.

Each week this section will consist of curated blog posts, articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that address Passion, Relationships, Self, and Time--the components of PRST.


Rally Rd's The Best Money I Ever Spent with Bobby Hundreds (Apple Podcasts) As I prepare for the fall drop of PRST gear, I revisited the Bobby Hundred's episode Rally Rd.'s Best Money I Ever Spent. I admire how Bobby and his business partner were able to build a streetwear brand that has lasted more than 20 years. And not only did they build this long-lasting brand but they also built an amazing community. Unlike the communities that are forming today, which I am a big fan of, their community doesn't live in an online platform or Slack channel, it lives everywhere. One of my favorite stories from his book, This Is Not A T-Shirt, is when he was stuck overnight due to a flight cancellation and he tweeted that he would be at the hotel bar and invited any Hundreds fans to swing by. He anticipated 10-15, at best. Instead there were way more than that--I can't remember exactly and my book is back at my office, but I want to say it was somewhere around 50-75 people, some of which drove hours to see him. That's a strong community.

The cherry on top is Bobby and Ben both left corporate law jobs to go full time with The Hundreds, betting on themselves. And not they continue to innovate and stay ahead of the curve of technology, culture, and fashion.

When I think about PRST, I hope to build we can build a brand, both clothing and mission, with a community that lives unbounded by the constraints of an online platform. I don't want to be another Hundreds, there will never be another, but I definitely want to be like them--just in a PRST way.

Tons of inspiration in this episode to follow your passion and bet on yourself.

You can also listen here:



Jared Dillian: Maintaining Relationships I've been enjoying Jared Substack "We're Gonna Get Those Bastards" for a few months and have shared quite a few of his emails on Twitter but this is the first (I think) in the Weekly PRST. What a name for a newsletter--I haven't gone back to read the history of how he came up with it but you know with a name like that he's not holding back and it will probably be NSFW.

As soon as I saw the title of this week's email, Maintaining Relationships, I knew I'd found my "R" content, which needs little introduction. However, I do think this quote is a great explanation of the cycle of relationships, which we've discussed is perfectly ok and probably necessary on your Pursuit.

"I think that maintaining relationships is a habit of highly effective people. But people come and go in your life. The friends you have today are probably not going to be the friends you have ten years from now. You’ll have a whole different set of friends. And that’s okay. I don’t make a habit of cutting people out of my life. In fact, I think I have done it only a handful of times. It’s not a good practice—your world gets pretty small after a while."


Sean Byrnes: When Competition Matters As I've gotten older, I find myself less competitive and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. I mean, in some ways our competitive spirit pushes us to continue to get better, beat the "competition", avoid becoming complacent, and be our best. All of these are positive byproducts of being competitive.

But on the other hand, as I have pretty much moved on from competitive sports, the business world has become my competitive arena and I don't really see myself competing with others there. Not in an arrogant way but in the spirit of an abundant mindset. I've learned that collaboration brings the best out of everyone and unless you striving to be a monopoly, there is plenty of business to go around for everyone to eat. And not only can everyone eat, but everyone can eat with people they like and want to be around because even if you and I are "competitors"--we're both financial advisors, I can only serve so many clients. I can't work with everyone. And not only can we each only serve a finite number of clients, we each do so in different ways and have different personalities that we probably will attract and enjoy working with different types of people. We're really not competing.

As I read this and thought about my own competitive nature, I think these day's I'm really only competing with myself--the goals I set for myself, the version of myself I want to be, and any other metrics I set to move me along my Pursuit. I do check to see what others are doing for inspiration but it's never to try and get ahead of them, it's to make sure I'm not missing an opportunity to be better for my family, RLS Wealth, The AGC, or PRST. For me, I see the competition as inspiration which has taken away a lot of potential stress and self doubt--a really good place to be.

"Competition can be important, but it shouldn’t dominate everything you do. Identify the points when you need to worry about competition, and ignore them the rest."


Jonathan Clements (Humble Dollar): Now And Then If you listened to the podcasts this week, you know we began bringing some of the financial planing components to PRST—it’s time to start completing the circle of PRST and bringing the financial planning and thinking to your Pursuit of passion. This blog post from Humble Dollar highlights Johnathan's financial journey and he shares some raw and vulnerable lessons. I’ve highlighted a few powerful quotes, beginning with the most powerful which brought the post to its conclusion.

"But in the end, managing time is more important than managing money, because time is the ultimate limited resource. I should lead a more balanced life. I know that intellectually. But I’m still trying to convince myself."

"...This was a great strategy for amassing wealth. I’m not sure it’s a great strategy for enjoying life."

" In a world where so many folks worry about how to cover day-to-day expenses, I’ve come to see not thinking about money as perhaps the greatest luxury that money can buy."

This Week's Top PRST

The most listened to episode this week was Wednesday's episode of the The Daily PRST "Strategic Distribution Of Your Dollars".


Apple Podcasts

This Week Of PRST

The Daily PRST.

  • Monday: Control Your Thoughts, Control Your Pursuit

  • Tuesday: Foundation For Finances

  • Wednesday: Strategic Distribution Of Your Dollar

  • Thursday: The Importance Of A Creative Financial Plan

Check out all of last week's episodes here.

The PRST. Why Are Your Goals Your Goals?

PRST Shorts. Back to to work looking for the next person to highlight. You can check out all of the Shorts here.

The Blog. No new post this week.

On Our PRST. Some great interviews coming and I've been shooting my shot to get some exciting guests. Get caught up with past episode of On Our PRST here.

Something To Meditate On...


sometimes you have to push your limits | vol. 19


Are You Your Biggest Fan? | Vol. 17