Put On Blinders, Just Not Too Tight | The PRST
If you spend too much time looking at others to determine your progress or success, it’s going to make your Pursuit long and miserable—potentially preventing you from reaching your ultimate goal and life. Once you’ve identified your passions and how you are going to make them a bigger part of your life, you want to put blinders on and begin to do your part toward making that life a reality.
You don’t want those blinders to be too tight. You don’t want to be so head down that you miss signs from the Universe, meeting important people to help you along your Pursuit, and finding inspiration from what others are doing.
No one said your Pursuit would be easy and knowing when to have the blinders on and when to pull them back a little isn’t necessarily an obvious thing to know—it’s more of a feeling and the more in tune you are with your self and your passion, the easier it is to know when to make the adjustment.
Let’s get to The PRST…