getting bread with Treyton DeVore | On Our PRST

This is not the first time Treyton and I have spent time talking about being Creators and I’m sure it won’t be the last. I’ve been a long-time fan of his creativity and ability to implement his ideas—a lot of people are creative but struggle to actually turn their ideas into a business. Not only does Treyton bring his own experiences as a Creator to the conversation but he also works with Creators at the financial planning firm he co-founded called AllStreet Wealth (you can see an old podcast episode where Treyton, his co-founder Thomas Kopelman, and I talk about launching their firm).

As you’ll hear in the episode, we are all creative and have an Inner Creator. We should all tap into our creativity and express ourselves—it can only lead to good things.

Let’s get to the PRST…


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Treyton’s website


AllStreet Wealth


DRMN BG™ with Scott Krava | On Our PRST


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