Don’t Overthink | The PRST

We all have a tendency to overanalyze and overthink things and most of the time the additional analysis and thinking cloud our judgement and lead to “paralysis by analysis”. When you are on your Pursuit it will be natural to want to think through every detail before moving forward—especially because you may be going down a path others are telling you to avoid.

If you’re led be your passion and your heart, then some initial planning is important and then it is time to move forward and trust your guide. Your passion will lead you were you are supposed to go and overthinking will only interfere with the journey.

I’ve been overthinking the last couple of weeks but I was aware enough to recognize it and refocus myself—hopefully you can learn from my overthinking.

Let’s get to The PRST…


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The Daily PRST For May 16th, 2022


The Daily PRST For May 9th, 2022